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Saregama India's stand alone profit rises 235.43% in the September
Saregama India's stand alone profit rises 235.43% in the September...

Saregama India's stand alone profit rises 235.43% in the September 2018 quarter India's oldest music label "Saregama" has....

November 07, 2018

Indian Music Industry's Road Towards Becoming One of The Top
Indian Music Industry's Road Towards Becoming One of The Top...

Mumbai witnessed The Indian Music Convention 2018 on August 22, 2018. As a result, the conference theme 'Vision 2022' brought....

October 23, 2018

Saregama Carvaan - Old is Gold?
Saregama Carvaan - Old is Gold?

"The only piece of brilliance around Carvaan was listening to the consumer, blindly implementing what they want rather than trying....

April 30, 2018

Amazon Finally Rolls Out Prime Music in India
Amazon Finally Rolls Out Prime Music in India

Online music streaming services seem to be attracted towards India lately. With the news of Spotify soon entering India, Amazon....

March 02, 2018

Amazon Prime Music Joins The Indian Music Streaming Club!
Amazon Prime Music Joins The Indian Music Streaming Club!

With the growing streaming market in India, it is about time for Multinational giants Amazon is finally ready to bring....

February 14, 2018