Nfts All Tags

India’s First Music NFTs to be Launched by Jupiter Meta
India’s First Music NFTs to be Launched by Jupiter Meta

Singer Karthik to connect with superfans in his first metaverse concert. Jupiter Meta, India’s first fully curated NFT....

March 28, 2022

Universal and Sony spent $550M buying Bob Dylan's music rights.
Universal and Sony spent $550M buying Bob Dylan's music rights....

Over the past couple of years, Universal Music Group and 

March 03, 2022

Universal Music Group Partners With Curio — Entertainment Giant Plans
Universal Music Group Partners With Curio — Entertainment Giant Plans...

The multinational music corporation ?Universal Music Group (UMG) announced the company has partnered with the non-fungible token (NFT) platform Curio....

February 18, 2022

Viacom18’s Fully Faltoo drops 4 NFTs for preview
Viacom18’s Fully Faltoo drops 4 NFTs for preview

Fully Faltoo to go live globally on 14th February, 2022. Viacom18’s Youth, Music, and English Entertainment Cluster was thrilled to....

February 03, 2022