Music-festivals All Tags

Today’s Millennial Love ‘Live’ Music Performances, Encouraging The Trend of
Today’s Millennial Love ‘Live’ Music Performances, Encouraging The Trend of...

2019 is nearing the end, and it is unavoidable to look at the meteoric rise in the interest....

December 21, 2019

The 3rd Edition of Artist Aloud's World Music Day Festival
The 3rd Edition of Artist Aloud's World Music Day Festival

World Music Day celebrates all genres of music and the impact it has had on the world and the human....

June 21, 2018

Second Time Around At Tomorrowland: ZAEDEN
Second Time Around At Tomorrowland: ZAEDEN

He is one of the first Indian DJ/producers to be signed to EDM record....

May 26, 2018