Saavn has more than 22 million listeners, monthly. Spotify is betting on crossing the 200 million mark by the....
April 25, 2018
“Music is kind of the unsung hero of advertising,” says Daniel Jackson, CEO of London-based Cord....
February 23, 2018
This article provides insights on the role and areas of focus required by a content management lead, in the music....
February 15, 2018
With independent music at the peak in India, communication and marketing in the music industry has seen a metamorphosis of....
January 23, 2018
There is no doubt in the fact that music consumption has moved almost in entirety towards the digital....
January 15, 2018
Saavn has more than 22 million listeners, monthly. Spotify is betting on crossing the 200 million mark by the....
April 25, 2018
“Music is kind of the unsung hero of advertising,” says Daniel Jackson, CEO of London-based Cord....
February 23, 2018
This article provides insights on the role and areas of focus required by a content management lead, in the music....
February 15, 2018
With independent music at the peak in India, communication and marketing in the music industry has seen a metamorphosis of....
January 23, 2018
There is no doubt in the fact that music consumption has moved almost in entirety towards the digital....
January 15, 2018
Few can say they went from being a humble admin assistant to becoming the president of the country's top record....
November 29, 2017
Tracy Maddux is the CEO of CD Baby, providing tools for distribution,....
November 13, 2017
VIP CONTRIBUTOR Prema Sagar Vice Chair, Burson-Marsteller, Asia Pacific & Principal/Founder, Genesis....
October 30, 2017
Here are reasons to make it a point to allocate budget for music marketing as you dive into....
August 29, 2017
Age of Streaming in India In India, majority of the population has access to the radio....
August 26, 2017