The new state-of-the-art-campus of one of India’s leading music colleges – the Global Music Institute (GMI) – was....
February 16, 2018
Modern music education has for a while been hard to find in India but slowly with the exposure....
January 27, 2018
Tracy Maddux is the CEO of CD Baby, providing tools for distribution,....
November 13, 2017
From Musician to Event and Artist Manager | An Interview with Karan Mehta from BlueTree At this point....
November 12, 2017
Loudest Entrepreneur column, we handpick top music entrepreneurs from across the country and share their journey and learnings....
September 04, 2017
The new state-of-the-art-campus of one of India’s leading music colleges – the Global Music Institute (GMI) – was....
February 16, 2018
Modern music education has for a while been hard to find in India but slowly with the exposure....
January 27, 2018
Tracy Maddux is the CEO of CD Baby, providing tools for distribution,....
November 13, 2017
From Musician to Event and Artist Manager | An Interview with Karan Mehta from BlueTree At this point....
November 12, 2017
Loudest Entrepreneur column, we handpick top music entrepreneurs from across the country and share their journey and learnings....
September 04, 2017
Answering! "Why there is a need to reverse the thought of Film Business Driven Music Industry in India,....
August 27, 2017
Age of Streaming in India In India, majority of the population has access to the radio....
August 26, 2017
How His First Bollywood Break Became The Greatest Hit of 2017 Learning From Akhil Sachdeva’s....
August 25, 2017
The Music Industry Operates Independent of the Films! We can trace it back to 2002, when....
August 25, 2017
The launch of Indie 101 & MGMH Turns 10, A Conversation Piece with Ritnika Nayan! Music....
August 24, 2017