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Spotify Growing Globally, But Is It Benefitting Artists?
Spotify Growing Globally, But Is It Benefitting Artists?

The music industry saw a boom in its revenue in the early 2000s due to a rise in the popularity....

July 24, 2019

Catch Today 24 hours of all-female programming at
Catch Today 24 hours of all-female programming at

24 hours of all-female programming at to celebrate International Women’s Day 2019

March 08, 2019

5 Artists That Surprised us at Bacardi NH7 Weekender Pune
5 Artists That Surprised us at Bacardi NH7 Weekender Pune

ARTISTS THAT SURPRISED US! As most of you might already know, we had the pleasure of attending this year's Bacardi....

December 17, 2018

Indie Week: In Conversation with Dreamhour
Indie Week: In Conversation with Dreamhour

Debojyoti Sanyal aka Dreamhour is one of India's finest upcoming musician. He recently released his critically acclaimed debut album "VLLNS"....

August 15, 2018

Music Inc Recap: Implications of Marketing & Innovation in Indian
Music Inc Recap: Implications of Marketing & Innovation in Indian...

The rapid growth of innovations in the Indian music industry are at an all time high. Where is it headed?....

August 04, 2018

Spotify Growing Globally, But Is It Benefitting Artists?
Spotify Growing Globally, But Is It Benefitting Artists?

The music industry saw a boom in its revenue in the early 2000s due to a rise in the popularity....

July 24, 2019

Catch Today 24 hours of all-female programming at
Catch Today 24 hours of all-female programming at

24 hours of all-female programming at to celebrate International Women’s Day 2019

March 08, 2019

5 Artists That Surprised us at Bacardi NH7 Weekender Pune
5 Artists That Surprised us at Bacardi NH7 Weekender Pune

ARTISTS THAT SURPRISED US! As most of you might already know, we had the pleasure of attending this year's Bacardi....

December 17, 2018

Indie Week: In Conversation with Dreamhour
Indie Week: In Conversation with Dreamhour

Debojyoti Sanyal aka Dreamhour is one of India's finest upcoming musician. He recently released his critically acclaimed debut album "VLLNS"....

August 15, 2018

Music Inc Recap: Implications of Marketing & Innovation in Indian
Music Inc Recap: Implications of Marketing & Innovation in Indian...

The rapid growth of innovations in the Indian music industry are at an all time high. Where is it headed?....

August 04, 2018

Music Inc Recap: Independent Music: When Will Passion Make Profit?
Music Inc Recap: Independent Music: When Will Passion Make Profit?

One of the most exciting panels I had the opportunity to observe was the one on Independent Music: When Will....

June 29, 2018

Music Inc Conference 2018: Speaker Interview - Chaitanya Kataria (OML)
Music Inc Conference 2018: Speaker Interview - Chaitanya Kataria (OML)

Music Inc Conference 2018: Speaker Interview - Chaitanya Kataria (OML) Chaitanya Kataria, Artist Manager at OML(Only Much Louder!)....

June 10, 2018

Mae Thomas talks about Music Business & India's Music Business
Mae Thomas talks about Music Business & India's Music Business...

Mae Thomas Host and founder of India's first Music Podcast - Maed In India

May 16, 2018

Relevance of Record Labels in this Digital Age
Relevance of Record Labels in this Digital Age

There’s a lot of confusion in the music industry about record labels — what do they do these days? With....

April 15, 2018

How to get Noticed: The Rise of Jwala
How to get Noticed: The Rise of Jwala

India's indie music scene has never been better. The success of such festivals as Magnetic Fields shows that Indian audience....

March 25, 2018