
Gaana Launches First Ever Gaming Innovation in Music Streaming App Ecosystem

Gaana Launches First Ever Gaming Innovation in Music Streaming App Ecosystem

Gaana Launches First Ever Gaming Innovation in Music Streaming App Ecosystem

Great news for all Cricket and Music enthusiasts in our country. Our very own homegrown Music Streaming App Gaana has just launched worlds first gaming innovation on a music streaming app called 'Game of Sixes'. 'GOS' combines the joy of listening to music and the energy of cricket giving users a first of its kind experience. By gamifying both listening to music and user-generated playlist curation, Gaana has created a competitive gaming experience for users.


Users can choose a city team, such as Bengaluru, Delhi, Kolkata, Punjab, Chennai, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Rajasthan. It will register all the users supporting one team into a cumulative playlist. In order to score runs for the team, users can either play songs from their team playlist which will grant them 1 run per play or add a song to the team playlist wherein each added song grants them 6 runs. The team with the greatest cumulative runs at the end of the 15-day campaign will be declared winners. The GAME OF SIXES has no restriction in terms of a total number of players playing simultaneously for a team. Gaana has introduced this gaming property which integrates cricket and music to give the user an exclusive musical gaming experience during the ongoing cricket season. Cricket fans get to enjoy this game while listening to good music they select. The objective of this campaign is to create brand awareness among the millennial age group (12-34 years old) who are passionate about both cricket and music. Gaana also has KFC on board to provide great offerings to the targeted age group as part of the complete festive sports-based environment.

Gaana's New Approach towards Digital Marketing

Game of Sixes is part of Gaana's re-imagined brand collaborations and online promotions process. The game provides different channels for digital marketing through the Gaana App and their massive audience base on social media. This new approach is to create solutions in order to build creative client-led innovations in tight timelines. The idea behind it is to cement Gaana's presence in the competitive music streaming business in India and also raise the standard of Digital Advertising in general.

Gaana has always delivered when it comes to audience engagement and marketing. They have led multiple futuristic campaigns for advertisers. This stands testimony to Gaana's commitment of offering high consumer satisfaction at both the user and the advertiser end.

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