India's indie music scene has never been better. The success of such festivals as Magnetic Fields shows that Indian audience....
March 25, 2018
In the last decade, we have seen a shift in our music industry, and it's been a tough road for....
February 28, 2018
If you have good songs and a real desire to make music, the next thing to do, instead of approach....
February 19, 2018
World’s largest Short Video App comes of age in India – Reaches 15 million users is a Chinese....
February 19, 2018
Over the last few months, I have interacted with many artists and a common FAQ I seem to come across....
February 10, 2018
WHAT IS CONSIDERED AS A PUBLIC PERFORMANCE? Several public places such as restaurants, clubs, hotels, nightclubs, airports, etc.,....
February 09, 2018
Over the past twenty years one of the largest revenue....
January 31, 2018
The crux of the Nightlife Industry is the exploitation of licensed music. Music Licensing is necessary to generate the....
February 06, 2018
This article provides insights on the role and areas of focus required by a content management lead, in the music....
February 15, 2018
Modern music education has for a while been hard to find in India but slowly with the exposure....
January 27, 2018
How many times have we admired the persistence of musicians, slowly and painstakingly recording their craft, documenting it, and releasing....
January 18, 2018 reached out to Top Industry Professionals, and asked them to share with us on how 2017 was for them....
January 19, 2018! The new year has begun! 2017 saw....
January 08, 2018
Every time you watch a video, do you feel like....
December 27, 2017
Intellectual property traditionalists often tend to view intellectual property as a bundle of rights. As a music artist, the laws....
December 18, 2017