The Indian Festival League | What & Why!
Event Capital, A Laqshya Media Group Company brings to you Indian Festival League. Indian Festival League is the first of its kind opportunity for the event industry professionals that will also bring together 3 other mega industries: Entertainment, Culture & Tourism on one platform. While we've seen a rise of Sports leagues in India, the mega cultural league is one to watch out for. The concept is first of its kind and unites the events and entertainment industry. Promoting Indian events and entertainment industry to join in and celebrate festivals. The Indian Festival League is slated to be a nationwide league for event industry professionals that will see participation from 8 teams representing 8 different states of the country. Each Franchisee team will consist of Festival Promoter (Event Agency), HNI/Corporate (Brand), Celebrities (Face of the festival) and the State Tourism Body. These teams would then have to produce a festival showcasing the best of music, culture, food, art and other highlights of their respective state. Corporate megabucks, Bollywood glamour and the sound of the audience cheering for their local talent; this new cocktail will revolutionize Entertainment.The Indian Festival League | The League of Indian Festival Promoters
What Is Indian Festival League?
Why Indian Festival League?
1. Promoting India as a Festival Country
2. Attract Tourists
3. Promote Local Culture
4. Improving The Image of A State, A Chance To Fix It!
India globally is known for two contrasting images. One is of sheer poverty and lack of infrastructure of a developing nation, while the other is that of a culturally rich, geographically beautiful, and a great tourist attraction. The Indian Festival League is likely to showcase the brighter side of the participating states. This could be a chance to establish an identity for the state, sort of a rebranding opportunity. Along with tourists, festivals attract media & journalists from across the globe. For these audiences, festivals are a "media event", generating an opportunity for an interesting story for their media. Such stories are different from a destination specific story (more to do with geography, infrastructure, living conditions, etc). The Indian Festival League would lead to expanding the image of the place and creating a window for positive media coverage of the stage. At the time of festivals, it is easier for destinations to demonstrate their positive facets, focusing the media attention on favorable occurrences.
The Bidding for The Indian Festival League started on September 18, 2017.
Watch out this space for more updates!
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Tags : News Business Slider Festival Review